Cautious consumers take cues from wary businesses

The consumer sits in an interesting place in the United States economy. Consumer spending accounts for nearly 70 percent of gross domestic product — the broad measure of goods and services produced in the country. Moreover, consumption constitutes the endpoint of the economic process. But the consumer also is, as I have argued many times, […]

Energy production expands despite hostile policy climate

I’ve long been amazed at the entrepreneurs, businesses, employees and investors who produce the energy upon which our economy depends. They not only push ahead with innovations, investments and production, but also have been doing so in a largely hostile policy climate for most of the past 15 years. As reported by the U.S. Energy […]

Small business owners offer insights on big issues

Elected officials, policymakers, analysts and talking heads would be wise to keep in mind entrepreneurship is essential to economic, income and employment growth in the United States. Indeed, the U.S. economy very much is a small business economy — illustrated by the fact 98 percent of all businesses (employer firms and nonemployers) have fewer than […]

Latest reports diverse in assessing U.S. economy

Two reports related to the state of the United States economy were released in late November. The latest revision for gross domestic product, the broad measure of goods and services produced in the country, leaned positive. But the so-called Federal Reserve Beige Book offered a rather bleak assessment on the economy. Real GDP growth for […]

Stifling benefits of AI not an intelligent approach

No one should be surprised when the Joe Biden administration stakes out policy ground that diverges greatly from the views and well-being of small businesses. That’s been the case on a wide array of issues — from taxes to regulations to intellectual property and more. Now we see it again regarding advancements in artificial intelligence. […]

Digging into job numbers unearths key information

The media and assorted experts are notorious for running with the topline numbers from the monthly employment report. But more often than not, the jobs report requires at least a little bit of digging. That’s definitely the case with the August employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The topline information that will […]

Survey reflects widespread support for energetic efforts

While the Joe Biden administration, many in Congress and an assortment of extreme green activists seek to end the use of oil and natural gas, the American people show themselves to be far more sane in the results of a new poll conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute. Among the […]

Study confirms TV affects entrepreneurship

Myriad issues and factors affect entrepreneurship and decisions to become an entrepreneur. That includes assorted aspects of a country’s culture, including what might be considered “pop culture.” I was reminded of this when I came across an online article — titled “The TV You Watch When You’re Young Can Make You More Entrepreneurial” — about […]

Latest U.S. jobs report includes troubling signals

The employment report for May from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics presented some potentially troubling signals. First, it must be noted the two favorite takeaways from this report are in obvious contradiction. Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 339,000 in May while the unemployment rate rose by 0.3 percentage points to 3.7 percent. Hmmm. […]

Efforts on wrong track with railroad mandates

As chief of staff to then President-elect Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel infamously declared, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” While cynical, it’s an unfortunate rule in politics. Something terrible occurs and […]

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