The Bureau of Land Management is looking for nominations to fill vacancies on resource advisory councils in Colorado.
“The advice given to the BLM by these citizen-based resource advisory councils is a vital part of the BLM’s collaborative approach to land management,” said Jamie Connell, director of the BLM in Colorado. “Citizen input enhances our agency’s ability to administer and conserve these lands for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations of Americans.”
Vacancies will arise in June on the Northwest Colorado, Southwest Colorado and Rocky Mountain resource advisory councils.
Individuals may nominate themselves or others to serve. Nominees are evaluated based on their training, education and knowledge of the geographical area of a council.
All councils are comprised of 15 citizens with diverse interests in public land management, including conservationists, energy industry representatives, local and state government officials, outdoor recreationists and ranchers. The councils include three categories of positions:
Public land ranchers and representatives of organizations associated with energy and mineral development, the timber industry, transportation or rights-of-way, off-highway vehicle use and commercial recreation.
Representatives of nationally or regionally recognized environmental organizations, archaeological and historical organizations, dispersed recreation activities and wild horse and burro organizations.
Representatives of state, county or local elected office; representatives and employees of a state agency responsible for the management of natural resources; representatives of Indian Tribes within or adjacent to the area for which a council is organized; representatives and employees of academic institutions involved in natural sciences; and the public at large.
For nomination applications, go to For more about serving on the Northwest Colorado council, contact Chris Maestas at (970) 826-5101 or
For the Southwest Colorado council, contact Shawn Reinhardt at (970) 240-5339 or For the Rocky Mountain council, contact Brant Porter at (970) 901-9581 or