Just two short weeks ago, I did. And I recommend it for anyone considering the journey home. My other recommendation: Don’t wait until you’ve looked death in the face to do it. That was my journey last summer. It’s also the reason I booked the trip the second I saw the post from one of […]
Yeah, I’m going to complain about the new Grand Junction High School. And yes, I’m still going to be silly enough to believe presenting the thoughts I’ve put into ink on paper for the past two decades will be read and absorbed by folks who’re already screaming talking points at me for how wrong I […]
Yes, I know it goes, “John Brown’s body lies a-mouldering in the grave …” from the top 10 hit from the 1860s. But for you progressives reading this, it’s a play on words. I also know someone wrote a neat book back in the day about how Democrats and Bill Clinton treated his old Commerce […]
If you followed my columns the past few editions, you probably noticed my steadfast opposition to JJ Fletcher challenging Mesa County Commissioner Janet Rowland in the primary based on the principle the Republican Party supports incumbents in elections. After all, the Republican Party supports incumbent presidents, senators, congresspeople — even someone undeserving, like Lauren Boebert […]
Yeah. I thought my last column was my last column on the personal conundrum I have with the Mesa County Republican leadership and JJ Fletcher. But as I stated in my headline for the last column, these folks are the gift that keeps on giving. This time with a little help from their friends. It’s […]
I really thought my last column would be the last column on the silliness of the Colorado Republican party and the candidates they continue to foist upon us. But just like believing I could write a whole column with no sarcasm, it’s simply foolish to think that in the world of politics. Frankly, I liked […]
I’ve started columns many times in the past by writing, “I don’t know what to write about.” This time I know what to write about, I just don’t want to. But I have to. And Mesa County Republicans made me do it. First up, let me explain to Mesa County Republicans — and JJ Fletcher, […]
There’s an adage along the line of never interrupt your enemy while he’s in the middle of destroying himself. Sadly, that applies more and more in Mesa County to the Republican Party. The latest destruction comes to us via the county commissioner primary race between JJ Fletcher and Janet Rowland. Frankly speaking, our local Republicans […]
It’s beginning to feel like this headline has become the tagline for the City of Grand Junction and its “we’re better than you and we know it” (apologies to GloboGym) leaders. And if we dive into what they’re doing in going beyond telling and into providing, they sure are “giving” it to us citizens. Especially […]
Now before you go all “here goes Craig playing know-it-all again” on me, take a few minutes during your potty break and play “Are you as smart as a publisher?” You might even be surprised to know I’ve shown my knowledge on this question as I’ve written on the topic before. If not, never fear. […]