Community Hospital has opened a pediatric therapy clinic in Grand Junction.
Grand Valley Pediatric Therapy provides skilled pediatric therapy services, including occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy.
“Our pediatric therapists truly love helping children and young adults, offering treatment for a wide variety of diagnoses and special needs,” said Kyle Gardner, director of Community Hospital Therapy Works. “Together, we are committed to providing comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care in an environment where children can achieve their goals and reach their full potential,” Gardner added.
Therapists at Grand Valley Pediatric Therapy create individual treatment plans for children with special needs. Each therapist establishes goals and treatment plans based on the specific needs of a child and his or her family.
Occupational therapists help children achieve goals related to fine motor skills, sensory processing, activities of daily living, executive functioning and feeding to name a few. Children could benefit from occupational therapy to address difficulties related to using utensils, following directions or transitions between activities.
Pediatric physical therapists help children develop and improve mobility so they safely participate in activities at home, in the classroom, on the playground and in the community. Therapists address skills that help children take part in such important movement activities as crawling, walking, running and playing games. In addition, physical therapists teach children how to use such mobility aids as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and other supports in various environments.
Speech-language pathologists help children achieve goals related to communication. Impaired communication can affect every aspect of a child’s life. In addition to communication, a speech-language pathologist also helps infants and children with feeding, suckling and swallowing difficulties related to oral motor or oropharyngeal disorders.
Grand Valley Pediatric Therapy is located at 715 Horizon Drive, Suite 200, in Grand Junction.
For additional information, call 644-3860 or visit the website at