FAMLI meeting planned for Grand Junction on Aug. 7

A public meeting is scheduled for Grand Junction to offer information about the Family and Medical Leave Insurance program.

The free meeting is set for 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 7 at the Mesa County Workforce Center, 519 29 1/2 Road. The meeting also will be offered virtually.

To register or obtain more information, visit https://famli.colorado.gov.

The meeting in Grand Junction is among four planned statewide through October. Executives from the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Division will discuss how the program works and answer questions about everything from payroll deductions to benefits.

Approved by Colorado voters in 2020, the FAMLI program helps employees across Colorado access wage replacement benefits to care for themselves or their families during life circumstances that pull them away from their jobs. Employers and employees have been contributing premiums to the program via payroll deductions since January. FAMLI will start providing benefits to eligible workers starting Jan. 1, 2024.