HopeWest accepts donations of cryptocurrencies

HopeWest now accepts donations of cryptocurrencies to help fund services for the aging, seriously ill and grieving in Western Colorado.

The move offers contributors with cryptocurrency portfolios the opportunity to support the Grand Junction-based organization in a tax-efficient way. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service classifies cryptocurrencies as property, meaning they’re not subject to capital gains tax and are deductible on income tax returns.

HopeWest will work with The Giving Block, which equips nonprofit organizations with the tools and techniques to raise funding with cryptocurrencies.

“We are excited for the opportunity to engage with a new generation of philanthropists and show them the impact their generosity has on HopeWest families,” said Deb Horwitz, senior vice president and chief development officer at HopeWest.

For more information about donating cryptocurrencies to HopeWest, visit https://hopewestco.org/donate-crypto.