In delivering the news, every day’s a holiday

Phil Castle

Christmas comes early.

Almost every day, in fact, for a newspaper editor eager to report on Grand Valley business. Even more so given the things I get to do and the people with whom I’m privileged to work.

Consider the last two weeks, for example.

I attended an annual economic outlook luncheon and listened with interest to Rich Wobbekind’s latest forecast. Call me a nerd, but I’m a big fan of economics and an even bigger fan of economists like Wobbekind. He’s one of the best.

I interviewed Andrew Golike, manager at the CoorsTek plant in Grand Junction and incoming chairman of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. He talked about chamber efforts to help businesses, his career and growing operations at the facility he oversees. Then he was gracious enough to show me around. I was impressed by everything I heard and saw.

I talked over the phone with Frances Padilla, director of the U.S. Small Business Administration Colorado District, about the latest numbers for SBA-backed lending as well as other programs and services in the state.

But wait, as entrepreneur and pitchman Ron Popeil used to exhort. There’s more. A lot more. I interact more regularly with a remarkable group of people to produce print journalism with real print — and, I’d contend — real journalism.

That starts with my boss, Craig Hall. He ably handles advertising to keep me walled off from that part of business. He also affords me nearly unbridled freedom to pursue my part of the business.

I’m giddy anew with each issue the opportunity to share the advice and expertise of columnists who so generously share their time and talents. They include Janet Arrowood, Sarah Gray, Tim Haggerty, Dean Harris, Phyllis Hunsinger, Paula Reece, Marcus Straub, Ashley Thurow and Tim Whitney. That’s not to mention contributors with Bray & Co.; Dalby, Wendland & Co.; Lighthouse HR Support; and Western Colorado Human Resource Association.

Kitty Nicholason builds many of the ads that appear in the Business Times. Rob Sperry and the team at Colorado Mountain News Media print the paper. Alowetta and Marc Terrien conjure the Business Times website out of Thin Air.

None of it would be possible, though, were it not for the businesses and organizations that advertise in the Business Times. Their support has never been more important — or, for that matter, more appreciated.

The most important people of all involved in this process? Readers, of course.
Those who carve time out of busy schedules to read what appears on pages and the website. You’re the reason I do what I do.

Journalism remains a grind, of course. One with unrelenting deadlines. But I believe the way we think affects the way we perceive. So I look for good with the expectation I’ll find it. Most of the time I do. And Christmas comes early.

Happy Christmas to you all. God bless us, every one.