If there’s a set of two-word, federal and state governing ways of doing business, it should be these two in the headline for this column.
In fact, one of these has become the only allowed way government now controls the confiscation and waste of our hard-earned dollars. The other is becoming the way government controls our lives.
A limited government that doesn’t infringe on the God-given rights of free peoples is the singular ideal behind the two most ignored documents in the history of our nation: the Constitution of the United States of America and its more important counterpart, the Declaration of Independence. Government resorts to emergency powers and continuing resolutions when people rise up and say, “You have no legal authority to do that.” Government has done so on spending for decades and time and again during the COVID-19 pandemic.
And people should be rising up and fighting back locally and at the state and federal levels. While more than a few of us are fighting, most of the nation has taken the action for which America increasingly has been become known: outsourcing. This time to truckers in Canada. As expected, the prime minister of Canada has pushed back with emergency powers.
The same as every commissioner, governor, health department, school board and president in the good ol’ US of A. That’s because once governments find something that works — something the people tire of pushing back against — in taking more control and increasing power and wealth, they seldom get rid of it. It’s why people no longer demand a balanced budget from Congress. We’ve accepted continuing resolutions that allow every member of Congress to break the law several times a year when it comes to pretty much everything the government does. Don’t think it’s breaking the law? Try the same scam on your bank, investors or stockholders. Hell, try it with the IRS and see where you end up. I can assure you it won’t be chairing a select committee in Congress.
So now that you have a better understanding of how Congress gets away with overspending and creating unconstitutional government bureaucracies that overspend, expand power and make us criminals without knowing it, let’s get back to the Mother Truckers and the Little Dictator Up North.
For a point of reference on the abuse of emergency powers, I’ll simply see if you can guess who said this related to a YEAR LONG farmer’s strike in India in 2020. “Entertaining the use of force to disperse or contain legal protests is wrong … . Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest.” Now if the name of the country being in the quote still has you guessing, you probably support the habitual-costume-which-shall-not-be-named-wearing “hoser” from the Great White North.
Yes, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it. Trudeau went on to state how important it was for Indian leaders to talk with protesters, stressed his worry about the families and friends of the farmers and called the situation “very concerning.” Yet, when the same thing happens in Ottawa, he responds with emergency powers— which can go as far as using the military to disperse protesters.
This is beyond hypocrisy. It’s more like megalomania. And it’s the kind of power for which too many in governments across the world lust. It’s why our union-loving President Joe Biden supports Trudeau instead of the working men and women of Canada. Frankly, the truckers shouldn’t have needed to shut down the Ambassador Bridge connecting Detroit, Mich., and Windsor, Ontario. Biden should have done it in the name of freedom — and the citizens of Canada and the United States — in telling Trudeau he’s out of line. But ol’ Sheriff Joe didn’t do that. We must ask why.
A long time ago, there was a horrible movie titled “The Betsy.” It was about a family owned auto manufacturer and a patriarch trying to create a company saving model (looked like a Pinto) named after a beloved progeny (Betsy, not Edsel). For those who need clues again, let’s just call it “Fords” — like we all did back home. Regardless, the union workers called a strike on “Fords” and shut it down. The pathetic son of the patriarch kept telling his dad, “GM and Chrysler are expecting me to hold the line.” The old man’s response was, “Of course they are, you’re shut down and they’re building and selling cars.” His advice was to negotiate and let GM and Chrysler deal with their own problems.
I see this same thing playing out in Canada. Trudeau — for myriad wrong reasons, including getting attention from serious world players, which he is not — is holding the line. That could cost Canada its freedom. Then tyrants across the globe can consolidate power and ignore the pleas of their citizens.
Then again, in their lust for power, attention and a place in history, all these folks don’t want to build cars for the people. They just want to own the company. And they’ll adopt whatever works. Canada is the test program.