Visit Grand Junction awarded for marketing efforts

Elizabeth Fogarty

The destination marketing organization of the City of Grand Junction has received statewide recognition for its efforts.

Visit Grand Junction received the outstanding marketing program award presented at the Colorado Governor’s Tourism Conference in Snowmass.

“We couldn’t be more delighted,” said Elizabeth Fogarty, director of Visit Grand Junction. “This achievement recognizes the support and effort from our community while rewarding the hard work and expertise of the Visit Grand Junction advisory board and staff.”

The award recognized three episodes Visit Grand Junction created for the Outside TV series titled “Park2Park.” Since their release, the three episodes have garnered more than 37 million views.

The series highlighted the outdoor recreation opportunities and landscapes of the Grand Valley through stories about Colorado residents overcoming physical and mental barriers. The episodes also included a total of six commercials for Grand Junction

“The six commercials we filmed included Grand Junction locals, which made this project even more special and authentic,” Fogarty said.

The three-day Colorado Governor’s Tourism Conference brought together tourism professionals from around the state to discuss destination management, emerging trends and tourism advocacy. The awards program recognized industry leaders for their efforts.