Just like nearly everyone else this time of year, I find myself resolved to do more. To eat more nutritious foods. To exercise more. To read more. If nothing else, to live more intentionally.
It’s an interesting phenomenon because every day really is the first day of the rest of our lives. There’s nothing magical about Jan. 1. It’s just one point along the 365-day orbit of the earth around the sun. Still, I can’t deny the allure of the proverbial clean slate a brand new year presents. Here’s what it is plain and simple: It’s a do-over. Who doesn’t want that?
Whatever the motivation, it’s difficult to argue against the benefits of assessing circumstances, identifying areas of improvement and setting goals to achieve them. Moreover, the actions involved in achieving goals can lead over time to habits. And habits, I’d contend, are far more powerful than resolutions in effecting change.
I suspect successful business owners and managers go through this process not only at the beginning of the year, but also on a continual basis. That’s what enables them to compete in the marketplace, recognize the opportunities that arise and take advantage of them.
So what are your resolutions for 2022?
Given the challenges presented by a pandemic, labor shortages, supply chain disruptions and inflation, survival constitutes a perfectly good answer. I hope business owners and managers continue to find ways in which their ventures not will only survive, but also thrive. Despite the challenges ahead, the outlook for continued economic recovery remains bright.
One of my resolutions is to continue to provide resources that will help owners and managers do just that. To both create and curate news stories, business advice columns and other information that proves useful. I remain convinced stories about successful entrepreneurs and businesses are useful if for no other reason than to detail decisions and techniques others can consider and perhaps replicate. I also remain eager to share news about Grand Valley businesses — who’ve they’ve hired, where they’ve relocated and what new products and services they offer. I encourage those who have such news to email it to me as soon as possible.
Speaking of resolutions of a sort, a survey conducted by the Grand Junction Economic Partnership produced what I considered some interesting results in what residents believe the Grand Valley should become. Among their top responses: a safe and forward-thinking community and outdoor recreation hub offering access to varied public lands. A top-tier K-12 education system also was a priority.
The main role of GJEP is to assist new and existing businesses in relocating and expanding operations and creating jobs. But it make sense to at least talk about aligning economic development efforts with what residents consider important.
There are always opportunities to do more — as individuals and members of a community. Here’s hoping 2022 really will be a happy new year.
Phil Castle is editor of the Business Times. Reach him at 424-5133 or phil@thebusinesstimes.com.