They do that here? Thankfully, they do

It can be surprising, even to those who’ve long lived in the area, to discover some of the remarkable businesses that operate in the Grand Valley and equally remarkable products and services they provide. The realization can provoke a common response: I didn’t know they do that here. One of the first examples to come […]

Proposed closures bad news for West Slope

Even as prospects appear bright for continued economic growth in the Grand Valley, the business news is considerably less good for other areas of Western Colorado. First, the Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association announced plans to close by 2030 its coal-fired power plant near Craig as well as the nearby Colowyo Mine, which supplies coal […]

Giving the gift of news a rewarding endeavor

Newspaper columnists face a challenge this time of year to write something befitting the holiday season. The more heartfelt and heartwarming the better, as if it were possible to keep up with those Hallmark movies. And if there’s an opportunity to convey at least a bit of the meaning of Christmas, that should be a […]

Christmas comes early with exceptional outlook for 2020

For several years, Christmas has come early for businesses in Mesa County. And we’re not just talking about holiday shopping and retailers. Rather, an annual report once again forecasts continued growth in the year ahead. The latest report characterizes the business and economic outlook for Mesa County in 2020 as not only positive, but “exceptionally […]

Small businesses still the big — and best — idea

It’s probably easier in a place like the Grand Valley to a more accurately survey the landscape and recognize the fact most businesses are small businesses. That’s because small businesses fill the downtown shopping district, line thoroughfares like North Avenue and Patterson Road and populate manufacturing areas. The journal you’re holding in your hands or […]

Economic lining less dark with dropping jobless rates

The dark lining of the silver cloud of economic recovery in Mesa County has long been labor conditions. The frequent lament was Mesa County lagged behind other areas of  Colorado with higher unemployment rates and slower job growth. Not anymore. According to the latest estimates from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the seasonally […]

The benefits of pursuing government contracts

There’s some satisfaction that occurs when a plan comes together. Just ask those of a certain age who used to watch the “A Team” on television back in the early 1980s and eagerly listened for the catchphrase of the cigar-chomping leader of team, Col. “Hannibal” Smith. But there’s also something to be said for serendipity […]

It’s actually no secret: Work force help available

Of all the attributes describing the Mesa County Workforce Center in Grand Junction, Curtis Englehart would love nothing more than to eliminate one — best-kept secret. As director of the center, Englehart wants everyone to know about the programs and resources offered there. That’s especially the case for business owners and managers who could use […]