Let’s just be honest, if President Trump wins, the Democrats will be apoplectic, and we’ll probably have a repeat of the 2016 election aftermath, but to a greater degree. After all, how else can people react to the election of Satan’s top minion and all the Democrats are claiming he’ll do once in office. Demonstrations are planned, and signs are being printed.
After all, the claims are worthy of an insurrection or worse. Some of the worse has already happened, including the Democrats version of insurrection just four years ago. And they’ve kept up the violence towards President Trump ever since. Why wouldn’t we expect more and worse if Trump wins?
If Vice President Harris wins, we can expect Joe Biden II (or Barack Obama IV), also known as Kamala’s second coming since she’s part and parcel of Biden I. You remember, the follies, problems and insanity foisted on the country for the past four years. So, what to expect there? How about a lot more of the crazed mainstream media reporting and lies about Republicans who are working to stop the leftist agenda being forced on the citizens of our country? If I had to guess, I’d say they’ll make redress of government illegal.
It’s hard to believe, but the Democrats have made a man who should never be president or in authority again from his Covid 19 response, Operation Warp Speed and 15 days to slow the spread look like a vastly superior candidate who should be president again.
At least Trump governed well leading up the Covid 19 debacle. His mistake at that time was putting bureaucrats in charge instead of medical professionals. Let’s just say self-interested people put policy in place to benefit their self-interests. Did you honestly think someone representing vaccine and drug manufacturers wasn’t going to have a vaccine or special drug as the solutions to get back to normal from Covid 19?
And then note, we aren’t anywhere near back to normal. Literally everything under government control since Covid 19 (which is, pretty much everything) is decidedly worse.
I would hope in this election, Trump wins in a landslide so there’s no number of vans full of ballots in the middle of the night which can be tabulated at a 90 percent Democrat rate to overturn things by the next morning. Then again, that’s just another Democrat side benefit of mail in voting—so expect something like it. Not that it will stop Democrats from trying. With the Jena Griswold’s of the country in charge of all too many elections in left-leaning and swing states, expect havoc.
I mean, you still don’t believe a guy hiding in his basement got the highest number of votes in American history, do you? I suppose some still do, even after understanding Biden dropped out of two other presidential campaigns with zero support and his Vice President couldn’t even survive to the first debate in her only run–not to mention how Joe was trying to be rid of Kamala before Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama gave him the hook. How anyone can vote for our Vice President after she just claimed in her commercial Americans have lost so many rights over the past few years—when she and Joe were in charge!
Obviously, Kamala fully understands the paradox she and Joe were in charge as Americans have lost those rights while also knowing darned-well she and Joe aren’t and haven’t been in charge one iota. They are simply props (supporting actors, at best) in a larger play being directed by the Democrat Party. Don’t you think so? Name anything President Biden has done since he got removed from running for president by his own party? How about in the year before?
So what does the Wednesday after election day bring most Americans? Same as it always has. The people try to live the best we can while working around the government. After all, Trump can’t turn around the Democrat damage in a day, month, a year or even four years and if Harris is in charge I would hope there’s a Republican House and Senate preventing the further destruction of our country. But I doubt we’ll get anything more than the game most of them play to get rich and get votes. For me and millions of Americans, it isn’t a game. What we do isn’t about money or power (although making a few bucks is nice, but then, there are those darned taxes) it’s about creating a better life for the ones we love.
Wouldn’t this be a good idea for our elected betters? To simply get government out of the way and let us live our best lives within the law while not violating the rights of others? Sadly, we don’t elect leaders who believe individual freedom is the solution. Instead, we elect people who believe problems are solved with vaccine technology which has never worked, or PVC pipe and paint makes roads safer or somehow get elected because you want a higher salary and it’s time, or worst of all, claim their opponent is Hitler.
For those of us who love freedom, it’ll be business as usual come the first Wednesday of November. We have no choice—in life or elections.
We’ll just have to make our way through four more years of worse.
Craig Hall is owner and publisher of the Business Times. Reach him at 424-5133 or publisher@thebusinesstimes.com