A new video series details the efforts of a workforce development liaison connecting Colorado Mesa University students and Grand Valley employers.
The Mesa County Workforce Center and CMU presented the video series as part of Workforce Development Month. The video series can be viewed online at mcwfc.us/aim-higher-get-hired.
“We recognize that workforce development in Mesa County is only successful if we collaborate as a community to address the need,” said Curtis Englehart, director of the Mesa County Workforce Center. “This collaboration with CMU is a prime example of partnering together to solve a need in the community. We are extremely excited to watch this position excel in Mesa County.”
The Mesa County Workforce Center and CMU have worked together for two years to connect students and graduates with local employment opportunities, creating the liaison position to offer a more personalized approach.
Kayley Vogel holds the shared position, splitting her time between the Mesa County Workforce Center and CMU. Vogel staffs a sort of one-stop shop for businesses seeking qualified workers. She also creates events, programs and tools for students ready to enter the Mesa County workforce.
Englehart said the workforce development liaison has helped students find meaningful jobs and employers hire more qualified candidates.
The liaison recently collaborated with the Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce on a successful new hire.
For more information about the effort, contact Vogel at 248-1491 or 248-7564 kayleyvogel@mesacounty.us.