Star Trek: Mesa County primary the wrath of Kuhr

If you followed my columns the past few editions, you probably noticed my steadfast opposition to JJ Fletcher challenging Mesa County Commissioner Janet Rowland in the primary based on the principle the Republican Party supports incumbents in elections. After all, the Republican Party supports incumbent presidents, senators, congresspeople — even someone undeserving, like Lauren Boebert […]

What did you shoot? I honestly don’t care

I’m back home from my annual golf trip with the “Michigan guys.” This time from not-so-sunny Arizona — instead of not-so-sunny-South Carolina last year. Although, eventually, we had enough sun in Arizona to get in four rounds of golf. It was my second golf trip of the year counting an excursion in February to Mesquite. […]

Your inactive account is now closed

Gosh. Thanks for the reminder I even had an account, since, you know and hence, the inactivity. But like Big Brother does, it can’t leave me alone. By way of background, I’m writing about an account called Fundbox. Several years ago — before the government created the economic disaster known as 15 days to slow […]