There’s a distinction to be drawn between a new initiative to improve public education in Mesa County and the way in which the effort was brought to the attention of news media. The 500 Plan, an effort involving the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce and Mesa County School District 51, seeks to recruit 500 […] recently reported that House Democrats are focusing on the party’s small business agenda as a way to regain ground among voters. But considering the policies that a Democratic White House and Democrat-led Congress have been pushing for the past 20 months, is that really a smart strategy? Consider, for example, federal spending and taxes. […]
While the agricultural industry doesn’t usually garner the same level of attention as the energy sector in Western Colorado, there can be no doubt agricultural enterprises are growing ventures in every sense. The Colorado wine industry continues to grow — a trend reinforced by the record 56 wineries that will participate in the upcoming Colorado […]
It looks like our elected officials in the nation’s capital might finally get around in September to debating the issue of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts that are due to expire at the end of December. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Over several years — from a Republican White House and a […]
Savvy business owners and managers recognize connections. They know best the crucial links between the products and services they provide and the customers who purchase them. But business owners and managers also see the relationships between economic and demographic trends. Stories in this very issue highlight the important association between the economy and education in […]
Yes, I ended that with a preposition. It will be the first of many indulgences I seek from readers of this column. A few weeks back, I once again survived an annual rite of passage. It’s actually called “The Outing,” although none of the gentlemen involved in creating that moniker thought about the name at […]
Small businesses remain under constant policy assault from elected leaders these days. For example, Obama health care reforms mean increased costs and fewer choices in terms of health insurance coverage for the business community and workers due to higher taxes, more mandates and increased regulation. The financial regulatory legislation signed into law this month promises […]
Don Childears says Colorado banks often find themselves between a rock and a hard spot, between politicians who demand that banks increase lending to stimulate the economy and regulators who curtail that lending to ensure banks remain financially sound. Childears, president of the Colorado Banking Association, believes a more balanced approach is needed that both […]
Even amidst the economic gloom, entrepreneurship finds a way. Keep in mind that it remains a tough environment for many entrepreneurs to raise capital and gain access to credit. The number of incorporated self-employed fell in 2009, while the number of unincorporated self-employed has fallen for three straight years. Proprietor income also declined in 2009. […]